Friday, March 1, 2013

Monday, November 12, 2012

24 week ultrasound...

I went to my 24 week check up and I asked if we could do an ultrasound, it never hurts to ask.  She said that it was not a problem, so I got to see baby Maya again!  She was moving all over the place and opening her mouth.  It was amazing!

 Profile shot with her mouth open.

Legs with one leg bent.

Ultrasound video!

Belly shots from the last 3 months...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bodhi is almost 3!

Just a quick update on my sweet Bodhi!  He is the coolest kid I know.  I love siting and talking to him, he has the best personality and he is just so loving.  he is currently working on potty training and today at Little People's Landing, he has his first Show and Tell.  He is really growing up, and I just can't believe ow fast the time goes.  I am so excited to have a baby again I love the baby stage, but having a 2 1/2 year old is amazing!  

Here are his recent school pictures...

22 Weeks Pregnant... braxton hicks and lots of kicks!

I am so excited to say that I am now 22 weeks pregnant!  It is bitter sweet because I know this is probably the last time I will be pregnant so I want to enjoy every moment and it is just flying by.  I am also so excited to meet baby Maya!  

We had our 21 week Anatomy Scan last week...

The last couple of weeks have been a turning point for me.  My belly grew a lot!  I started feeling morning sickness again, and I think it was because of the growth spurt that both Maya and I went through.  My back has been sore, and I am having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions!  I remember starting to get them right around 20 weeks with Bodhi too, so I'm not surprised.  Maya is also moving around a ton!  Jake and Bodhi have been able to feel her move, which is so cool.  She has a routine now, so she wakes up about the same times every day.  He most active time is about 8 pm when i finally get to lie down and put my feel up.  I just lay there,  usually watching "Friends," and she just moves all over the place.  It is our daily bonding time.  I just love it!

Here is my belly at 22 weeks...

18 weeks...3D ultrasound and Gender Reveal

At 18 weeks pregnant we decided that we couldn't wait any longer to find out the gender of this little baby.  We were both convinced it was going to be a boy, so we spent many hours trying to think of a name.  We could not think of a boy's name for the life of us, so we wanted to find out if we needed to find one or if we were going to get to use our girl name.  I called and made an appointment for a 3D ultrasound and we invited my parents and my sister and her husband to come as well.  All I could think about the rest of the week was that ultrasound.  The day finally came, and here is what we saw...

And then after many minutes of trying to get the baby to rotate so that we could determine the gender...

We found out it was a GIRL! 

I remember as soon as the ultrasound tech said the word girl, my entire family started cheering and screaming.  It freaked poor Bodhi out at first, but then Jake picked him up and started explaining to him that he was going to have a baby sister.   The funny thing is that Bodhi has been saying all along that he was having a baby sister, so when Jake was telling him that, he was looking at everyone like, "um, yes, I think I already told you that..."  It was so much fun to have everyone there!

We have decided to name her  
Maya Jade Sabot

Thursday, August 30, 2012

16 Weeks Pregnant!!

So, we have already reached 16 weeks pregnant!  I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going.  My belly is really starting to pop!  I have officially move to my loose fitting clothing and maternity clothing.  And when it comes to buttoning up my pants, nope...not happening. :-)  The down side to this baby bump is the horrible back paint that comes with it.  I just can't seem to beat it.  I think it is here to stay until the end of this journey.  The baby is about the size of an onion right now, that seems so big!  I can feel it kicking around all the time now.  I just love it. :-)  I can't wait until Bodhi and Jake can feel it too!  

We had our 16 week doctors appointment yesterday with out amazing Dr. Seidel!  We love her.  Although, because we are on Kaiser, we don't get to see her as often as we would like.  Most of our appointments are with nurses.  I'm not really loving that, but oh well.  She did an ultrasound to try to find the gender.  She started out by saying, "oh look, did you see that?  I think it might be a boy!  Oh wait, maybe that is the umbilical chord.  Hmmm... Oh wait, did you see three lines, maybe it is a girl!  I think I change my vote to girl!  But wait, oh man, I really just don't know.  It is too hard to tell for sure."  It was crazy!  None of us, Jake , myself or the Dr. could tell.  It was so frustrating!!!!  Other than that, everything looked great.  The baby was moving around and loving it's cozy little life.  As soon as i got home from the Dr. I knew I had to know the gender.  It was such a tease!  So I called the 3D/4D ultrasound place that we went to for Bodhi's ultrasound and scheduled an ultrasound for THIS SATURDAY NIGHT!!!  My parents and my sister and her husband will all be there too.  If you haven't been to one of those before, the room looks like a large living room with a large screen on the wall.  It is like a home theater.  It should be fun, and hopefully we will leave knowing the gender!!!

Well, I guess that is all for now.  I will update again soon!

Head looking down...

Body and legs facing down...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Baby # 2 is on the way!!

We are so excited to announce that baby #2 is on the way!  Our due date is February 13th, 2013.  Unfortunately I have not updated the blog lately and I have just reached 13 weeks pregnant.  So to get you caught up...

We found out we were pregnant on June 1, 2012.  After taking many, MANY pregnancy tests, I finally took a digital test hoping for a clear result and this is what we got...

At 8 weeks pregnant, July 6th, 2012, I started feeling very nauseated and tired.  I couldn't seem to get rid of the nausea, so I decided that I would talk to my doctor about getting some medicine to help with that symptom.  When we went in for our first appointment, she checked the heartbeat on the doppler and did a quick ultrasound to see the tiny little baby.  It was so amazing.  I can't even describe the emotions you feel when you see the baby for the first time, it can be so overwhelming.  The nurse gave us this picture from the ultrasound...

My sister and I were talking one day about what we think the gender of the baby is and she decided to buy an IntelliGender test.  At 11 weeks I took the test .  It is very hard to read ( Green = Boy and Orange = Girl), but Jake and I agreed that the result was BOY!  Oh man, I very possibly will be the proud mommy of two boys.  That is so amazing to think about.  Here is our IntelliGender result, what do you think??

At 12 weeks, my fatigue and nausea were finally starting to subside!  I thought it was never going to end.  :-)  Everyone keeps telling me that those symptoms mean I am going to have a girl...we will see!  I also went to my 12 week doctors appointment where the nurse checked the heartbeat (perfectly healthy!) and did an ultrasound as well.  I was not expecting an ultrasound, but deep down i was really hoping for one.  To our surprise the nurse came in with the ultrasound machine!  As soon as she put the doppler on my stomach we could see the baby moving around,  kicking, hiccuping.  It was amazing.  I could even feel the baby moving under the doppler as she moved it around my stomach.  I did not feel Bodhi move this early in his pregnancy, so it was very cool to already be feeling this little baby moving around.  She said it was still too early to see the gender but I didn't even care, I just wanted to lay there and watch my baby dance around.  I looked at Jake and he was staring at the baby, just smiling.  What an amazing moment.

Bodhi will be 3 in November which will bethe perfect age for a new big brother.  We have been talking about the new baby coming and he is slowly getting used to the idea.  Of course he wont truly understand until the baby gets here, but for now we enjoy talking about it with him.  He can be so loving and nurturing, I can't wait to see him take on the big brother role...